School Office: 602.449.6600 Attendance: 602.449.6601 School Hours: 8:45am - 3:15pm
Kudos Corner Archives
Kudos Corner...
Congrats to Grayhawk Teachers & Staff honored at the recent Governing Board Meeting for their UPC nominations!
Our very own Nurse Ann and Mrs. Patinsky were featured in District communications about National School Nurse Day and Teacher Appreciation Week. Grayhawk is lucky to have both of these educators as part of the Grayhawk Team! Congratulations!
Congrats to our 2nd Qtr PAWS recipients! These students were chosen by teachers for exemplifying Grayhawk PAWS: Positive Actions; Act Responsibly; Wise Choices; Safety First.
The Library Renovation is Amazing! The kids are loving it. You should come check it out. Your donations to the PTO made this renovation possible. Kudos to you!
Mrs. McLelland Graduates! Our Choir/Showstoppers/Music Teacher graduated from NAU with a Masters in Educational Leadership Principal K-12. Kudos to you!
Full STEAM Ahead! Grayhawk received a $2500 grant to fund collaborative STEM projects with real world applications. Mrs. Lindstrom, Mr. Johnston, Ms. Collins & Mrs. McLelland will be teaming up for the grant! Kudos to you!
Honor Band! Seven Grayhawk Students were selected to be a part of the District Honor Band. Kudos to you!
Noetic Learning Math Contest! Honors Math classes competed with 561 schools across the country. Team winners were: Brayden B (4th Grade); Chase M (5th Grade); Julienne H (6th Grade). And two of our students (Brayden B & Chase M) placed in the top 10% of all 24,000 competing students! Kudos to you!